Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Running to the mercy seat...

After a few long days and nights getting moved into the Grace building, few of us were feeling a bit is a still from Chris's human video that had us all in stitches.

It's beginning to look a lot like Easter

Cranes, Cranes, and more PAPER CRANES!!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Original Hybrids to life...

"Taymor's work-in theatre, opera, and film-is not so much eclectic, as it is cross-bred. She draws on an enormous pool of forms, genres, traditions. She grasps the center of each form, how it works in its home context and how it might resonate somewhere else. She conceives new theatrical organisms, combining traits from the most disparate sources to bring original hybrids to life."

That is from Eileen Blumenthal's book on Julie Taymor called Playing With Fire.

That seems to me to be the essence of what all artists in the church are trying to do. Take our experiences, the stories, and find God's truth in them, then form them into a hybrid that is relatable and speaks God's truth in a new way.

Later in the book there is a phrase about Taymor..."she assimilates disparate elements, rather than leaving them in native dress"....hmmmm.......

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am not a writer

I am not a writer, I am not a blogger, but I am a list maker, (as long as it is not a list of things I have to do) and I am good a being here goes...a random list, of art things that are inspiring me right now...

slumdog millionaire
flocks of birds
giant new buildings
late nights
early mornings
puddles of mud that never dry up
found object sculpture
artists, who don't think they are artists
Josiah -2 Kings

Update on what going on with aG worship arts....
dance team forming,wild training hours for the tech teams...for the new building,
rehearsals for Easter, with the actors/dancers/children/worshippers and the support teams:)

It is wild around here....Just like Jesus likes it:)....because, HE is wild and not Beau would say, (paraphrasing c s lewis)